Ultra Tech has always had a relentless focus on safety and quality. Every pipe and fitting is visually and dimensionally inspected for accuracy. Each heat of our induction hardened steel pipes is sampled to confirm our tapered hardness profile has been properly created in the pipe wall. The sample is mounted in a plastic puck, precisely polished and inspected using a microhardness testing process to get a through-wall hardness profile.
In addition, all our welds are checked using Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI). This non-destructive testing method detects cracks, pores, cold lap and the lack of sidewall fusion in welds. This process uses magnetism to detect surface defects in the weld application and consistency.
Congratulations Saul Morales and James Drake for achieving a Level II Magnetic Particle Inspection Certification! To receive the certification, they had to pass four written tests, one practical test, and accumulate over 500 hours of hands-on testing.
This will accelerate our QC process and help us to get our customer orders shipped more quickly.